We report on the observations of a number of quasi-dc electric field e
vents associated with large-scale atmospheric weather formations. The
observations were made by the electric field experiment onboard the Sa
n Marco D satellite, operational in an equatorial orbit from May to De
cember 1988. Several theoretical studies suggest that electric fields
generated by thunderstorms are present at high altitudes in the ionosp
here. In spite of such favorable predictions, weather-related events a
re not often observed since they are relatively weak. We shall report
here on a set of likely E field candidates for atmosphere-ionosphere c
ausality, these being observed over the Indonesian Basin, northern Sou
th America, and the west coast of Africa; all known sites of atmospher
ic activity. As we shall demonstrate, individual events can often be t
raced to specific active weather features. For example, a number of ev
ents were associated with spacecraft passages near Hurricane Joan in m
id-October 1988. As a statistical set, the events appear to coincide w
ith the most active regions of atmospheric weather.