This paper describes an individual effect of soil moisture (m(g)) and surfa
ce roughness (h(rms)) of bare soil on the back scattering coefficient (sigm
a(0)) at the X-band frequency. The study contributes to the design of an ef
ficient microwave sensor. For this pur pose, experimentally observed data w
as utilized to provide a composite sigma(0) equation model accounting for i
ndividual effect in regression analysis. The experimental data are compared
with Small Perturbation Method. It is observed that the X-band gives bette
r agreement up to incidence angle 50 degrees for HH-polarization and 60 deg
rees for VV-polarization as compared to the C-band. The lower angles of inc
idence give better results than the higher angles for observing m(g) at the
X-band. The multiple and partial regression analyses have also carried out
for predicting the dependence of scattering coefficient (sigma(0)) on m(g)
and h(rms) more accurately. The analyses suggest that the dependence of di
electric constant (i.e., m(g)) is much more significant in comparison to su
rface roughness at lower angles of incidence for both like polarizations; T
he results propose the suitable angle of incidence for observing bare surfa
ce roughness and soil moisture at the X-band. All these data can be used as
a reference for satellite or spaceborne sensors.