Xl. Guo et al., Concept of backlog balancing and its application to flow control and congestion control in high-speed networks, IEICE TR CO, E83B(9), 2000, pp. 2100-2116
Flow control algorithm in high speed networks is a resource-sharing policy
implemented in a distributed manner.:This paper introduces a novel concept
of backlog balancing and demonstrates its application to network flow contr
ol and congestion control by presenting a rate-based flow control algorithm
for ATM networks. The aim of flow control is to maximize the network utili
zation for achieving high throughput with tolerable delay:for each virtual
circuit (VC). In a resource-sharing environment, this objective may also ca
use network congestion when a cluster of aggressive VC's are contending for
the same resource at a particular node. The basic idea of our algorithm is
to adjust:the service rate of each node along a VC according to backlog di
screpancies between neighboring nodes (i.e., to reduce the backlog discrepa
ncy). The handshaking procedure between any two consecutive nodes is carrie
d out by a link-by-link binary feedback protocol. Each node will update its
service rate periodically based on a linear projection model of the flow d
ynamics. The updated service rate per VC at a node indicates its explicit d
emand of bandwidth, so a service policy implementing dynamic bandwidth allo
cation is introduced to enforce such demands. Simulation study has validate
d the concept and its significance in achieving the goal of flow control an
d yet preventing network congestion at the same time.