This paper examines or current state of knowledge of the epidemiology of ur
inary incontinence. The population studied was community-dwelling noninstit
utionalized persons. The review includes discussion of the prevalence, inci
dence, natural history and presence or racial and ethnic differences in the
epidemiology of urinary incontinence. We also review con-elates and potent
ial risk factors that have been revealed in epidemiological studies. Differ
ences between epidemiological and clinical approaches to a health problem?
help-seeking behavior and methodological issues for research are also discu
ssed. We have reviewed a large number of completed studies in the field of
urinary incontinence, and have emphasized high-quality and population-based
studies. We also wished to present studies from a variety of countries. Be
cause of the abundance of studies, only a small fraction can be presented h
ere. Other studies may have equal standards and useful information, but lac
k of space precludes their inclusion.