For some commodities and time periods, the analysis of price fluctuations m
ust necessarily rely on the existence of price data alone. ii theory applic
able in such circumstances is outlined for commodities that are storable, t
raded ill open markets and subject to net supply shocks which are heterogen
eously distributed across the months of the year. Market prices are predict
ed to vary autoregressively except at times when wheat stocks become neglig
ible and observed market prices exceed threshold prices (which may themselv
es differ across months). The model is applied to a monthly time series of
wheat prices for southern England from 1685 to 1850. The autoregressive par
ameter and the threshold prices are estimated, substantial empirical suppor
t being found for the models tested. Historical events from the late sevent
eenth century through to the continental wars in the late eighteenth and ea
rly nineteenth centuries are used to illustrate the mechanisms underlying t
he theory.