We calculated the interatomic distances between all couples of non-hydrogen
atoms belonging to the neighboring Watson-Crick base pairs in the availabl
e crystal structures of DNA. Their standard deviations revealed remarkably
large differences in the variability of the base stacking geometries of the
particular steps. In line with experimental studies in solution, (CpA).(Tp
G) and (TpA).(TpA) were identified as the most variable or flexible steps i
n the crystal structures of B-DNA. On the other hand, base stacking geometr
ies of the (ApT).(ApT) steps were the most invariant, which was very surpri
sing because all three steps composed only of C and G were much more flexib
le. This finding suggests that conformational stability of DNA and the rigi
dity have different origins. Furthermore, the nucleotide sequence dependenc
e of the flexibility was almost reversed in A-DNA because the most flexible
steps in B-DNA were the least flexible in A DNA. The most invariant steps
of B-DNA were variable in A-DNA. The (ApT)(ApT) step was a notable exceptio
n to this rule because it belonged to the most rigid steps in both B-DNA an
d A-DNA. The present results are fully consistent with the properties that
poly(dA-dT)poly(dA-dT), poly(dA) poly(dT), poly(dA-dC)poly(dG-dT) and poly(
dA-dc) poly(dC-dT) exhibit in solution.