We use focal-species analysis to apply a graph-theoretic approach to landsc
ape connectivity in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. In doing so we dem
onstrate the utility of a mathematical graph as an ecological construct wit
h respect to habitat connectivity. Graph theory is a well established mains
tay of information technology and is concerned with highly efficient networ
k flow. It employs fast algorithms and compact data structures that are eas
ily adapted to landscape-level focal species analysis. American mink (Muste
la vison) and prothonotary warblers (Protonotaria citrea) share the same ha
bitat but have different dispersal capabilities, and therefore provide inte
resting comparisons on connections in the landscape. We built graphs using
GIS coverages to define habitat patches and determined the functional dista
nce between the patches with least-cost path modeling. Using graph operatio
ns concerned with edge and node removal we found that the landscape is fund
amentally connected for mink and fundamentally unconnected for prothonotary
warblers. The advantage of a graph-theoretic approach over other modeling
techniques is that it is a heuristic framework which can be applied with ve
ry little data and improved from the initial results. We demonstrate the us
e of graph theory in a metapopulation context and suggest that graph theory
as applied to conservation biology can provide leverage on applications co
ncerned with landscape connectivity. (C) 2000 Academic Press.