Mjc. Harding et Im. Davies, A field evaluation of international monitoring guidelines for the biological effects of tributyltin, J ENVIR MON, 2(5), 2000, pp. 404-409
The Oslo and Paris Commission (OSPAR) Guidelines for monitoring the biologi
cal effects of tributyltin compounds (TBT) were evaluated using data collec
ted for preparation of a Celtic Seas Quality Status Report. Two types of su
rvey were undertaken: broad scale, to determine wide impacts in coastal wat
ers; and localised, around representative harbours to establish ranges of e
ffect from recognised input points. This evaluation indicates that results
from the broad scale surveys can be used to compare different areas of coas
tline. Nucella is widespread away from point sources although many individu
als show some degree of imposex. Populations are generally not at risk. The
localised surveys indicate that, in certain situations, the monitoring obj
ectives can be met in the OSPAR Guidelines (subject to minor amendment). Cr
iteria are identified for the selection of point sources suitable for monit
oring under OSPAR Guidelines.