Galileo data enable the major geological units, structures, and surface fea
tures to be identified on Europa. These include five primary units (plains,
chaos, band, ridge, and crater materials) and their subunits, along with v
arious tectonic structures such as faults. Plains units are the most widesp
read. Ridged plains material spans a wide range of geological ages, includi
ng the oldest recognizable features on Europa, and appears to represent a s
tyle of tectonic resurfacing, rather than cryovolcanism. Smooth plains mate
rial typically embays other terrains and units, possibly as a type of fluid
emplacement, and is among the youngest material units observed. At global
scales, plains are typically mapped as undifferentiated plains material, al
though in some areas differences can be discerned in the near infrared whic
h might be related to differences in ice grain size. Chaos material is comp
osed of plains and other preexisting materials that have been severely disr
upted by inferred internal activity; chaos is characterized by blocks of ic
y material set in a hummocky matrix. Band material is arrayed in linear, cu
rvilinear, wedge-shaped, or cuspate zones with contrasting albedo and surfa
ce textures with respect to the surrounding terrain. Bilateral symmetry obs
erved in some bands and the relationships with the surrounding units sugges
t that band material forms by the lithosphere fracturing, spreading apart,
and infilling with material derived from the subsurface. Ridge material is
mapped as a unit on local and some regional maps but shown with symbols at
global scales. Ridge material includes single ridges, doubler ridges, and r
idge complexes. Ridge materials are considered to represent tectonic proces
ses, possibly accompanied by the extrusion or intrusion of subsurface mater
ials, such as diapirs. The tectonic processes might be related to tidal fle
xing of the icy lithosphere on diurnal or longer timescales. Crater materia
ls include various interior (smooth central, rough inner, and annular massi
f) and exterior (continuous ejecta) subunits. Structural features and landf
orms are shown with conventional symbols. Type localities for the units are
identified, along with suggestions for portraying the features on geologic
al maps, including colors and letter abbreviations for material units. Impl
ementing these suggestions by the planetary mapping community would facilit
ate comparisons of maps for different parts of Europa and contribute to an
eventual global synthesis of its complex geology. On the basis of initial m
apping results, a stratigraphic sequence is suggested in which ridged plain
s form the oldest unit on Europa, followed by development of band material
and individual ridges. Band materials tend to be somewhat older than ridges
, but in many areas the two units formed simultaneously. Similarly, the for
mation of most chaos follows the development of ridged plains; although cha
os is among the youngest materials on Europa, some chaos units might have f
ormed contemporaneously with ridged plains. Smooth plains generally embay a
ll other units and are late-stage in the evolution of the surface. C1 crate
rs are superposed on ridged plains but are crosscut by other materials, inc
luding bands and ridges. Most c2 craters postdate all other units, but a fe
w c2 craters are cut by ridge material. C3 craters constitute the youngest
recognizable material on Europa.