A design methodology for the FBR metal fuel and core is del eloped. It cons
ists of the fuel integrity prediction by a mechanistic analysis code, and t
he core neutronic/thermal-hydraulic design in which the effect of the chara
cteristic fuel behavior and fuel cycle technologies are properly considered
. Based upon this methodology, a fuel and core design study for reactors of
various output scale (150-1500 MWe) is conducted, and the feasibility of m
etal fuel FBRs for the future commercial applications is reviewed. The resu
lts show that the averaged burnup of as high as 90-150 MWd/t is achievable
at the refueling interval of 1-2 years with 3-4 batches, regardless of the
output scale. The maximum allowable cladding temperature is assumed to be 6
50 degrees C to avoid the liquid phase formation, which leads to the achiev
able core outlet temperature of similar to 510 degrees C based on the curre
nt hotspot factors estimation. It is found that high breeding ratio of grea
ter than or equal to 1.2 can be enabled with relatively small blanket amoun
t, owing to the very high internal conversion capability. Another advantage
is that it is possible to significantly reduce the burnup reactivity loss
at the slight expense of the burnup, in which case the core excess reactivi
ty becomes as small as a few dollars.