This paper provides further evidence for the relationship between dens
ity of states or local density of states (LDOS), and current-voltage (
I-V) curves as obtained from scanning tunneling spectroscopy. a model
that takes into account voltage-dependent wave functions is proposed.
This model calculates both quantities and compares them. Current-carry
ing electrons are considered to come from the bulk of the tip and towa
rds the tunneling region. From there, the electrons are diffracted bac
k to the tip and forward into the sample. This scattering process is s
et within the framework of tight binding by providing boundary conditi
ons. The method allows one to solve the steady-state problem, thus per
mitting the extraction of information even when the tip-sample distanc
e is small (<1 Angstrom). This is particularly important since it can
probe regimes beyond the applicability of Bardeen approximation. For a
tungsten tip and a silicon sample, the I-V curves closely fellow the
LDOS. On the other hand, the conductance-voltage curves present jumps
that coincide with the Van Hove singularities of the semiconductor.