Objective: To describe factors associated with breastfeeding failure during
the first 6 months post-partum in a sample of Hong Kong Chinese women part
icipating in a longitudinal study of maternal nutrition.
Methodology: Forty-four Hong Kong Chinese lactating mothers who intended to
breastfeed exclusively for at least 3 months were recruited and followed f
or 6 months post-partum Demographic data were compared with 20 mothers who
intended to use formula feeding. Mothers were followed up at 2 and 6 weeks
and 3 and 6 months and details of infant feeding practices were obtained. I
nformation was sought on breastfeeding management in hospital, reasons for
discontinuation of breastfeeding or for providing supplements to babies and
intention to seek, and sources of, lactation support.
Results: Thirty-nine mothers who planned to breastfeed completed the follow
up. Compared with mothers in the formula-feeding group, breastfeeding moth
ers were more likely to be professionals or housewives. Continuation of any
breastfeeding (total and partial) was noted in 30 (77%), 22 (57%), 16 (41%
) and 12 (31%) mothers at 2 and 6 weeks and 3 and 6 months post-partum resp
ectively. The majority (97%) of mothers stated that they were given informa
tion on the benefits and management of breastfeeding. However, late initiat
ion of breastfeeding and providing supplements to babies were common. Perce
ptions of insufficient milk supply (44%), breast problems (31%) and being t
oo tired (28%) were the main reasons stated for stopping breastfeeding or f
or providing supplements to babies. Midwives from the postnatal wards and h
otlines were the main sources of lactation support.
Conclusions: These results highlight difficulties in sustaining breastfeedi
ng, either exclusive or partial, in Hong Kong Chinese women. Despite being
recruited on the basis of intending to exclusively breastfeed for 3 months,
less than half these mothers were still breastfeeding and only approximate
ly one-third were exclusively or predominantly breastfeeding at 3 months. M
ore needs to be done within the hospital environment to initiate breastfeed
ing immediately after birth and to avoid giving unnecessary supplements and
more effort is needed to foster a mother's confidence, commitment and know
ledge of breastfeeding.