Recently, we have witnessed a strong growth in the internationalization of
many firms' product development activities. However, the lack of attention
devoted by scientific research to the management of international innovatio
n contrasts sharply with the importance attached to it as a cornerstone of
international business success, Although several empirical studies and norm
ative theories have specified the communication requirements in innovation
teams, an empirically based insight is definitely needed on the communicati
on requirements and requirements that prevail in the complex context of int
ernational innovation teams, in which the participants are located in diffe
rent company units, countries, and cultures.
This article addresses the following research question: viewing internation
al innovation as an interfunctional activity, what are the communication re
quirements an international innovation team is facing, and what are the com
munication capabilities (interface mechanisms) that may be adopted to initi
ate develop, and launch the new product effectively and efficiently? An ext
ensive case study, research project was designed to develop a comprehensive
theoretical framework. Over a two year time period the research team has i
nvestigated selected innovation projects in four European multinational cor
The analysis of the case study darn suggests five requirements that determi
ne the effectiveness and efficiency of communication in international produ
ct development teams: network transparency! knowledge codification knowledg
e credibility, communication cost, secrecy. To cope with these communicatio
n requirements, organizations may create firm level capabilities (parallel
structures, cross-functional and inter-unit climate, communication infrastr
ucture, goal congruence) and team level capabilities (core team, team leade
rship, formalization procedural justice). The evidence from the in-depth ca
se study research indicates that these mechanisms provide a parsimonious an
d powerful approach to address the communication requirements in internatio
nal product innovation teams. After the information processing framework pr
oposed by Tushman and Nadler [124], the adoption of these mechanisms is exp
ected to improve innovation effectiveness.
This holds important consequences for the management of international produ
ct innovation projects. First, the innovating firm must balance centralizat
ion and decentralization, employ formal as well as informal strategies, and
integrate ad-hoc and permanent strategies. Second, it highlights the criti
cal role of the project leader. Given the fact that companies often select
the most available person, rather than the best person for the job, the all
ocation of light weight project leaders may create heavyweight problems in
international teams. Third, following the argument in favor of procedural j
ustice, the absence of involvement may severely, hinder cross-functional co
mmitment to international innovation projects. Fourth, the innovating firm
must also actively manage the communication flows with external parties. Fa
ilure to do so may result in flawed specifications, and a limited understan
ding about product design and market strategies. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science