This article describes a method which enables fast and objective pulse-sequ
ence-specific preemphasis calibration, using standard pulse sequences and s
ystem hardware. The method is based on a k-space measurement technique, and
has been applied to single-shot, diffusion-weighted, spin-echo, echo-plana
r imaging (DW-SE-EPI), which is particularly sensitive to eddy-current-indu
ced image distortions. The efficiency of the technique was demonstrated not
only by the reduction of eddy-current fields to a negligible level using f
ull preemphasis compensation, but also by the fact that adjustment of the s
low time-base alone sufficed for the practical elimination of image distort
ions in the DW-SE-EPI images and the subsequent diffusion tensor maps (in a
phantom and a human brain). By seeking to eliminate directly the effect of
eddy-current-induced phase shifts during the EPI data collection, the meth
od is free of the complications and restrictions associated with other eddy
-current correction techniques for DW-SE-EPI (such as acquisition of additi
onal calibration scans, intense postprocessing, extensive pulse-sequence mo
difications), making their use redundant. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.