Some binary mixtures exist as a single phase at high temperatures and as tw
o phases at lower temperatures; rapid cooling therefore induces phase separ
ation that proceeds through the initial formation of small particles and su
bsequent growth and coarsening(1). In solid and liquid media, this process
leads to growing particles with a range of sizes, which eventually separate
to form a macroscopically distinct phase. Such behaviour is of particular
interest in systems composed of an isotropic fluid and a liquid crystal(2),
where the random distribution of liquid-crystal droplets in an isotropic p
olymer matrix may give rise to interesting electro-optical properties. Here
we report that a binary mixture consisting of an isotropic fluid and a liq
uid crystal forming the continuous phase does not fully separate into two p
hases, but self-organizes into highly ordered arrays of monodisperse colloi
dal droplet chains. We rnd that the size and spatial organization of the dr
oplets are controlled by the orientational elasticity of the liquid-crystal
phase and the defects caused by droplets exceeding a critical size. We exp
ect that our approach to forming monodisperse, spatially ordered droplets i
n liquid crystals will allow the controlled design of ordered composites th
at may have useful rheological and optical properties.