Strong stimulation of the T-cell receptor (TCR) on cycling peripheral T cel
ls causes their apoptosis by a process called TCR-activation-induced cell d
eath (TCR-AICD)(1-3). TCR-AICD occurs from a late G1 phase cell-cycle check
point(4) independently of the 'tumour suppressor' protein p53 (refs 5, 6).
Disruption of the gene for the E2F-1 transcription factor(7,8), an inducer
of apoptosis(9-11), causes significant increases in T-cell number and sple
nomegaly(12-15). Here we show that T cells undergoing TCR-AICD induce the p
53-related gene p73, another mediator of apoptosis(16), which is hypermethy
lated in lymphomas(17,18). Introducing a dominant-negative E2F-1 protein or
a dominant-negative p73 protein into T cells protects them from TCR-mediat
ed apoptosis, whereas dominant-negative E2F-2, E2F-4 or p53 does not. Furth
ermore, E2F-1-null or p73-null primary T cells do not undergo TCR-mediated
apoptosis either. We conclude that TCR-AICD occurs from a late G1 cell-cycl
e checkpoint that is dependent on both E2F-1 and p73 activities. These obse
rvations indicate that, unlike p53, p73 serves to integrate receptor-mediat
ed apoptotic stimuli.