F. Venneri et al., Disposition of nuclear waste using subcritical accelerator-driven systems:Technology choices and implementation scenarios, NUCL TECH, 132(1), 2000, pp. 15-29
Los Alamos National Laboratory has led the development of accelerator-drive
n transmutation of waste (ATW) to provide an alternative technological solu
tion to the disposition of nuclear waste. While ATW will not eliminate the
need for a high-level waste repository, it offers a new technology option f
or altering the nature of nuclear waste and enhancing the capability of a r
epository. The basic concept of ATW focuses on reducing the time horizon fo
r the radiological risk from hundreds of thousands of years to a few hundre
d years and on reducing the thermal loading. As such, ATW will greatly redu
ce the amount of transuranic elements that will be disposed of in a high-le
vel waste repository The goal of the ATW nuclear subsystem is to produce th
ree orders of magnitude reduction in the long-term radiotoxicity of the was
te sent to a repository, including losses through processing. If the goal i
s met, the radiotoxicity of ATW treated waste after 300 yr would be less th
an that of untreated waste after 100 000 yr.
These objectives can be achieved through the use of high neutron fluxes pro
duced in accelerator-driven subcritical systems. While critical fission rea
ctors can produce high neutron fluxes to destroy actinides and select fissi
on products, the effectiveness of the destruction is limited by the critica
lity requirement Furthermore, a substantial amount of excess reactivity wou
ld have to be supplied initially and compensated for by control poisons. To
overcome these intrinsic limitations, we searched for solutions in subcrit
ical systems freed from the criticality requirement by taking advantage of
the recent breakthroughs in accelerator technology and the release of liqui
d lead/bismuth nuclear coolant technology from Russia. The effort led to th
e selection of an accelerator-driven subcritical system that results in the
destruction of the actinides and fission products of concern as well as pe
rmitting easy operational control through the external control of the neutr
on source.