The visual scenes viewed by ocean animals change dramatically with depth. I
n the brighter epipelagic depths, daylight provides an extended field of il
lumination. In mesopelagic depths down to 1000 m the visual scene is semi-e
xtended, with the downwelling daylight providing increasingly dim extended
illumination with depth in contrast, greater depths increase the prominence
of point-source bioluminescent flashes. In bathypelagic depths (below 1000
m) daylight no longer penetrates, and the visual scene consists exclusivel
y of point-source bioluminescent flashes. In this paper, I show that the ey
es of fishes match this change from extended to point-source illumination,
becoming increasingly foveate and spatially acute with increasing depth. A
sharp fovea is optimal for localizing point sources. Quite contrary to thei
r reputation as 'degenerate' and 'regressed', I show here that the remarkab
ly prominent foveae and relatively large pupils of bathypelagic fishes give
them excellent perception and localization of bioluminescent flashes up to
a few tens of metres distant. In a world with almost no food, where fishes
are weak and must swim very slowly this range of detection (and intercepti
on) is energetically realistic, with distances greater than this physically
beyond range. Larger and more sensitive eyes would give bathypelagic fishe
s little more than the useless ability to see flashes beyond reach.