One of the mc,re unusual visual systems of the Actinopterygii is that of Pa
ntodon buchholzi (Osteoglossomorpha: Osteoglossidae). Its adaptations assoc
iate neuroanatom) at different levels of the visual system with ecological
and behavioural correlates and demonstrate that the visual system of this f
ish has adapted for simultaneous vision in air and water. The visual field
is divided into three distinct areas: for viewing into the water column, in
to air, and for viewing the aquatic reflection from the underside of the wa
ter surface. Cone diameters in different retinal areas correlate with the d
iffering physical constraints in the respective visual field. Retinal diffe
rentiation between the aquatic and aerial views is paralleled at different
levels of the central nervous system. A diencephalic nucleus receives both
direct and indirect (tectal) afferent input from only the aerial visual sys
tem and a specific type of cell in the optic tectum is preferentially distr
ibuted in the tectum processing aerial inputs. Distinctions within a single
sensory system suggest that some behaviours may be organized according to
visual field. For Pantodon, feeding is initialed,) stimuli seen by the vent
ral hemiretina so the anatomical specializations may well play an important
role as elements in a feeding circuit.