Although the tear film has been extensively studied as it exists in the ope
n eye state, until recently very little was known as to what happens to the
tear film on eye closure. Recent studies have shown that eye closure resul
ts in a profound change in the composition, origins, turnover and physiolog
ical functions of the tear film. These changes include a shift from an indu
cible, neurologically controlled, lacrimal secretion containing among other
proteins primarily lysozyme, lactoferrin and tear specific lipocalin, to a
much slower, constitutive-type of secretion, composed almost exclusively o
f sIgA. This change is accompanied by the build-up of sialoglycoproteins of
epithelial and goblet cell origin, the build-up and activation of compleme
nt and the build-up of serum proteins. In addition, various cytokines and p
roinflammatory mediators accumulate. including some which are potent induce
rs of angiogenesis and leukochemotaxis. The closed eye also exhibits the re
cruitment and activation of massive numbers of PMN cells. This results in a
stagnant, closed eye layer, which is extremely rich in reactive complement
products. PMN cell proteases including protease-3, elastase. capthepsin G,
MMP-9 and urokinase. We have postulated that this shift represents a funda
mental change in host-defense strategies from a passive-barrier defense to
an active immune, inflammatory, phagocyte-mediated process and that this sh
ift is necessitated in order to protect the cornea from entrapped microorga
Studies have shown that autologous cell damage is avoided in closed eye tea
r fluid. by the accumulation of several modulators of complement activation
. which shift activation towards opsonization of entrapped microorganisms a
nd the build-up of a wide array of antiproteases. Some of the latter are li
kely to arise from the ocular surface tissues. Corneal neat neovasculation
may be avoided in part by the build-up of alpha 2-macroglobulin and the con
version of plasminogen to angiostatin. It is highly probable that other bio
active protein fragments are produced in the closed eye, which contribute t
o homeostasis. Areas of future study are indicated. (C) 2000 Elsevier Scien
ce Ltd. All rights reserved.