In Germany the "Beobachtungsbogen fur Kinder im Vorschulalter" (BBK) develo
ped by Duhm and Althaus (1979) is a widely used questionnaire for the ratin
g of preschool children. In the first part of this paper a proposal for the
formation of BBK-scales made by Bilsky and Flaig (1986) is critically disc
ussed. In the second part we propose an alternative formation of summative
scales. Principal component analyses and scale analyses of BBK-data yield 7
scales: (1) "task-oriented behavior", (2) "aggressive behavior", (3) "shyn
ess/inhibition", (4) "activity/initiative" (5) "intensity of play", (6) "la
nguage development" and (7) "communication behavior". Coefficients (Cronbac
hs Alpha) from .85 ("intensity of play") up to .94 ("task oriented behavior
") show a relatively high degree of internal consistency - with the excepti
on of "communication behavior" with alpha=.74. Stanines and percentile rank
s (15, 30, 50, 70, 85) have been calculated.