We studied how psychotherapeutic themes change across sessions by applying
Theme-Analysis to the transcripts of the therapy sessions taken from one cl
ient striving to achieve greater selfhood. Theme-Analysis is designed to in
vestigate the change process by analyzing psychotherapy themes within and/o
r across sessions. The three variables studied were theme, object, and phas
e. Psychotherapeutic themes were defined in terms of polarities with one po
le representing the problem end of a continuum and the second pole represen
ting the striving-towards end of a continuum. An object was described as th
e target of a client's experiences. A phase referred to a specific client e
xperience/activity within the change process. This study produced four leve
ls of themes with the core theme being not individuated/undifferentiated. S
even themes regarding two objects were analyzed. The data indicate that the
mes, when viewed across the sessions, are worked through in a progressive f
orward course.