This work presents a modeling study of the shallow electric signature of an
outcropping dike of the Guapiara Lineament in the Parana Basin, Brazil. Th
e forward geoelectrical model was constructed on the basis of the response
functions obtained with a scalar AMT data set along a profile perpendicular
to the strike of the dike. The objective was to assess the shallow electri
cal signature of a typical dike in Parana Basin, which is beyond the spatia
l sampling of a typical long period tensor MT survey. The geoelectrical mod
el presented in this paper identified the dike, a Permian sedimentary seque
nce and a quaternary alluvial deposit. The dike intruded through a normal f
ault, which was characterized by its vertical offset and the identification
of the hanging and foot walls. The dike is strongly anisotropic with a res
istivity value along the strike that is two orders of magnitude smaller tha
n along the perpendicular direction. The hypothesis of an anisotropic dike
is supported by an independent data set.