We describe the karyotypes of nine Wilms tumors (WT). Four tumors were
initially karyotyped from diagnostic needle core biopsies, 3 after po
stchemotherapy tumor resection and the remainder from xenografts grown
in nude mice. The 9 nephroblastomas were composed of 7 with favorable
histology (intermediate-grade malignancy) and 2 with unfavorable hist
ology (anaplastic or high-grade malignancy). The 7 tumors with favorab
le histology had karyotypes typical of WT, with the previously describ
ed nonrandom abnormalities +1q, +6, +7, +8, +12, +13, +18 and structur
al abnormalities of Ip and 16q present in at least 2 case. The most co
mmon abnormalities were trisomy 18 (4 cases) and +1q (3 cases). The 2
tumors with unfavorable histology both herd complex karyotypes atypica
l for WT. We suggest that cytogenetics can act as a marker when histol
ogic grade is in doubt. Karyotypic analysis from needle core biopsies
was attempted in 6 samples, including 1 from a nephrogenic rest (NR) o
f the nonaffected kidney and provided a result on 5 occasions. The NR
were present in the sole case with a constitutional abnormality, a mos
aic partial duplication of 8q. However, both the tumor and the NR were
apparently derived from the normal cell line. Here we demonstrate tha
t a cytogenetic result can be routinely obtained from needle core biop
sies and Mill thus facilitate true diagnostic tumor karyotypes in both
WT and other tumors. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 1997.