Since the earliest visions of Mary in the 4th century, there have been an e
stimated 21,000 sightings of Mary in the eastern and western Christian worl
ds. Centered on youth from the lower economic strata, the visions spawn a c
onsiderable following. Millions visit the well-known vision sites such as L
ourdes, Fatima, and Guadalupe. Many healings were reported, a proportion of
which were verified as miracles by authorities. Visions have become increa
singly common in the 20th century, with reports from so many places it is h
ard to keep track of them all. Modem visions tend to be serial, or recurrin
g, as well as public - witnessed by hundreds or thousands of others. Phenom
enological examination reveals 16 characteristics of the Marian Apparitions
spiritual life world.