A simplified model describing the transient water budget of a shallow unsat
urated soil profile is presented and applied to an example of long-term cli
matic conditions for a site near Coshocton, Ohio. Its conceptualization is
simplified because the instantaneous redistribution of infiltrated water in
a uniform soil profile is imposed. The model's formulation is a revision o
f that originally presented by Kim et al. [1996]. Runoff from a soil profil
e with uniform hydraulic properties is described by using an infiltration e
quation derived by Salvucci [1996] for ponded conditions. During storm peri
ods the infiltration rate equals the rainfall intensity, unless that rate e
xceeds the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and then the input rate is det
ermined by the infiltration equation for ponded conditions, with the excess
applied water being accounted for as runoff. During interstorm periods, wh
en the soil profile is drying due to evapotranspiration (ET) and drainage,
the ET rate equals the potential evapotranspiration rate E-p, until the soi
l profile relative saturation s drops below a certain falling value of satu
ration S-f. When s < S-f then the ET rate is linearly proportional to s as
given by (s/S-f) E-p. Drainage flux from a profile equals the hydraulic con
ductivity under a unit hydraulic gradient. Drainage for a 50-year-long reco
rd of climate on a daily basis for the Coshocton site compared well with me
asurements from four lysimeters. It is shown that the effective saturated h
ydraulic conductivity for the profile is determined by the runoff amount ov
er the simulation period, and the value of S-f can be set so that the predi
cted drainage approximates that measured by lysimeters. This determines the
appropriate cumulative ET for the site consistent with the climate data. T
he appropriate value of S-f also depends on the presumed profile depth, whi
ch is the plant root depth over which ET is extracted.