An analysis is presented of the statistical characteristics of fluctua
tions in the Faraday rotation of 2.3-GHz signals from the Gelios-1 and
Gelios-2 spacecraft during their passage through the circumsolar plas
ma at heliocentric distances 3-15 R.. Various spectral representations
and propagation regimes for the Alfven waves responsible for the Fara
day rotation fluctuations are considered. Alfven waves with periods of
similar to 10 min propagate from the Sun nearly free of absorption an
d nonlinear interactions. The angular distribution of the Alfven fluct
uations is very anisotropic: the inhomogeneities are elongated along t
he magnetic field by a factor of 5-10. The energy flux in Alfven waves
at a heliocentric distance of about 10R. considerably exceeds the pla
sma kinetic energy flux, confirming that Alfven waves can play a signi
ficant role in determining the energy balance of the outer solar coron