Offspring provide mothers with stimuli that impel their own nurturance
. In rats, distal sensory stimuli from pups-sight, sound, odor-contrib
ute to contact-seeking, whereas tactile stimuli from pups to dam's sno
ut and ventrum elicit essential maternal behavioral reflexes involved
in retrieval, licking, and the quiescent, upright nursing posture (kyp
hosis). Brain sites involved with maternal behavior-assessed by lesion
s, immunocytochemical visualization of gene activity, and neurophysiol
ogical mapping-include the midbrain central gray, menial preoptic nucl
eus, limbic system, and somatosensory cortex; these may change with ex
perience. Human mothers inadvertantly learn to identify their own baby
rapidly after birth and can do so via a single sensory modality. Subs
equent maternal responsiveness and gratification are impair ed by inap
propriate, insufficient, or nonreciprocal interactions such as occurs
when the baby cries excessively, is blind, deaf, or autistic. Thus, ma
ternal behavior characterized by elicited responses and emotional reac
tions to stimuli from offspring may be evolutionarily conserved. (C) 1
997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.