Background: The four arms of the Holliday junction are known to stack in pa
irs forming two helical domains whose orientations are antiparallel, but tw
isted positively by about 60 degrees, based on electrophoretic, FRET and AF
M measurements. Recent gel retardation studies suggest that a bowtie juncti
on (containing 5',5' and 3',3' linkages in its crossover strands) may adopt
a parallel conformation.
Results: An AFM study of two-dimensional arrays produced by parallelograms
of bowtie junctions shows that the angle between helical domains is in the
range of -68+/-2 degrees. We demonstrate by AFM that the domains are parall
el by constructing V-shaped structures whose arms are separated by similar
to 68 degrees and similar to 112 degrees.
Conclusions: The arms of the bowtie junction are parallel rather than antip
arallel. The parallel or antiparallel nature of the junction apparently is
determined by the local structure of the junction, but the sign of the angl
e appears to be a consequence of interarm electrostatic interactions.