1. Vagal nerve stimulation of the guinea-pig isolated oesophagus produced a
triphasic tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive contractile response. The third pha
se, which was resistant to ganglion blocking drugs, was selectively abolish
ed by capsaicin, suggesting the involvement of one or more neuropeptides re
leased from afferent neurons. Receptors on cholinergic neurons were subsequ
ently activated because the response was atropine sensitive. Contractile re
sponses resulting from exogenous substance P were abolished by atropine and
TTX and enhanced by physostigmine. These findings suggest that the third p
hase may be mediated by the action of a substance P-like neuropeptide relea
sed from sensory nerve endings that subsequently activated cholinergic neur
2. The tachykinin receptors in the body of the guinea-pig oesophagus were c
haracterized by determining the relative agonist potencies of natural tachy
kinins as well as tachykinin receptor-selective analogues. Antagonist affin
ities were also determined. The results indicated the presence of both NK2
and NK3 receptors. In addition, the effects of a cocktail of peptidase inhi
bitors (captopril, thiorphan and amastatin) on responses to various tachyki
nins and synthetic analogues were determined. The results indicate that one
or more peptidases are present in this preparation.
3. Experiments using various tachykinin receptor antagonists were performed
to determine whether the activation of tachykinin receptors played a role
in the mediation of the third phase of the response to vagal nerve stimulat
ion. While this response was unaffected by NK1 and NK2 receptor-selective a
ntagonists, it was only partially inhibited (23%) by the NK3 receptor antag
onist SR 142801. Thus, in the guinea-pig oesophagus, it appears that NK3 re
ceptors play only a minor role in mediating a contractile response when aff
erent neurons are excited by vagal nerve stimulation.