Cancer of the prostate continues to be one of the most common malignancies
in men in Europe, with a large number of patients presenting with advanced
disease. The current standard treatment for metastatic cancer of the prosta
te, permanent androgen withdrawal, is palliative. Patients treated with per
manent androgen blockade usually relapse and die secondary to prostate canc
er's ability to progress to an androgen-independent state of growth. Based
on experimental and preclinical studies, intermittent androgen blockade app
ears to be a potential alternative to permanent androgen blockade. Through
the cycling of reversible androgen suppression, there appears to be recover
y of apoptosis and subsequent slower progression to an androgen-independent
state. In this paper experimental and preclinical studies concerning inter
mittent androgen blockade are reviewed. At present several prospective rand
omized trials are under way to test intermittent androgen blockade as an al
ternative treatment in various stages of cancer of the prostate. However, u
ntil the results of these trials a re available, this approach remains expe
rimental. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.