Objectives and Methods: Incidence, mortality and long-term survival from pr
ostate cancer were examined in the Umbria region of Italy, for the period 1
978-1994. Incidence rates were derived from an ad hoc survey carried out ov
er the period 1978-1982 and from 1994 cancer registry records. The mortalit
y over the period derived from data of the official publications and the su
rvival rates, at 15 years, were calculated starting from the ad hoc survey
incident cases.
Results: In the Umbria region, over the period 1978-1994, crude incidence r
ates from prostate cancer increased from 31.2 to 81.9 per 100,000 and morta
lity rates from 22.7 to 31.9 per 100,000. The rates were from 30.5 to 61.2
for age-adjusted incidence while standardized mortality remained constant (
from 22.6 to 22.7 per 100,000). Survival in Umbria, compared with rates fro
m other European Cancer Registries, is low both at 5- and 10-year follow-up
Conclusion: The great incidence increase observed over the study period cou
ld depend on a lesser completeness achieved by the 1978-1982 ad hoc survey
with respect to the 1994 cancer registry data and/or from the screening cam
paign carried out in a large part of the region in 1994. Different elements
support these hypotheses. However the above hypotheses can be verified ove
r the next years when further incidence and survival data from the cancer r
egistry will be available. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG. Basel.