The Sacchavomyces cerevisiae strain WYT, deficient in the YAP1 transcriptio
n factor, was used in a molecular screen to identify genes from Arabidopsis
thaliana that could overcome the oxidative stress-sensitive phenotype of t
hese yeast cells, A cDNA named CEO1 increased the tolerance to oxidative da
mage caused by tert-butylhydroperoxide of both the Yap1(-) mutant and the w
ild-type yeast, Additionally, in Yap1(-) yeast, CEO1 also induced cross-tol
erance to oxidative damage caused by hydrogen peroxide and diamide, CEO1,wa
s assigned as being part of a small gene family that, until now, is exclusi
vely, restricted to plants, In Arabidopsis, CEO1 was produced in all organs
, especially in roots and stems. By using the yeast two-hybrid system, prot
eins that specifically interact with CEO1 in yeast mere identified, and put
ative DNA-binding proteins were consistently recovered, (C) 2000 Federation
of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved .