Disorganized sleep patterns can be found both during normal developmen
t and in pathological conditions. Aging could also be accompanied by a
disorganization of the night sleep episode; sleep could be interrupte
d by spontaneous awakening, sleep cycle could be shortened or incomple
te, sleep states modified. These patterns suggest an inability to sust
ain a stable condition, i.e. a condition of functional uncertainty. Bi
ological and cognitive implications of functional uncertainty conditio
ns are discussed. In particular, the hypothesis has been put forward t
hat disturbances of sleep could have a detrimental role on memory. Rec
ent results obtained in our lab support this hypothesis: recall is cor
related with NREM-REM cycles proportion. Future research should ascert
ain the role of the functional uncertainty with respect to the kind of
memory being involved during sleep, and establish how much and for wh
ich cognitive processes (including those involved in dream production)
the inability to sustain a steady condition impairs the functioning d
uring sleep. The duration of the functional uncertainty condition is a
lso important. The long-term study of the link between functional unce
rtainty and cognitive resources, could be important for the understand
ing of the night life and for an adequate treatment of patients.