Background: Optic neuritis in herpes tester ophthalmicus (HZO) has been rep
orted rarely. We report two cases of HZO optic neuritis with detailed magne
tic resonance imaging study and treatment responses.
Cases: One patient presented with anterior optic nerve involvement, and the
second presented with retrobulbar optic neuritis. Contrast enhanced T-1-we
ighted images were obtained in these 2 patients. Intravenous acyclovir and
oral prednisolone were given simultaneously.
Observations: Magnetic resonance imaging revealed peripheral enhancement of
the optic nerve sheath complex on T-1-weighted scan. Both patients recover
ed their vision within 3 months following the start of treatment.
Conclusions: Magnetic resonance imaging is helpful for the diagnosis of HZO
optic neuritis. Systemic acyclovir and steroid are effective in the treatm
ent of HZO optic neuritis. (C) 2000 Japanese Ophthalmological Society.