Two different plates of 10100 Cu (> 99.99 % Cu) were incipiently failed usi
ng flyer plate impact in a gas gun equipped with soft recovery. The cleanli
ness of the plates was assessed using the cold crucible melt technique. One
of the plates was also tested using a momentum trapped tensile Hopkinson s
plit pressure bar (THSPB). The recovered specimens were metallographically
sectioned, polished, and etched. The resulting damage was also quantified u
sing image analysis and optical profilometry. Micro computed tomography was
also performed on two flyer plate specimens and these three dimensional me
asurements are compared to the sectional measurements. The quantified damag
e is statistically analyzed for porosity, spatially resolved volumetric voi
d number densities and size distributions, near-neighbor distances, and clu
stering. A comparison is made in the THSPB tests between the relative contr
ibutions of the texture development and damage accumulation towards the ove
rall mechanical behavior of the material.