When a uniform rod is deformed in tension under conditions of pure axial st
ress it will undergo indefinite uniform deformation. In practice these cond
itions are not achievable because neither perfect uniformity nor perfect un
iaxial stress can be attained. In slow to moderately fast tension, instabil
ity (necking) starts at relatively small strains and is governed by the bou
ndary conditions (uniformity and end effects) and the deformation model. If
the strain rate is very high, however, then strains of several thousand pe
r cent can be achieved before instability develops as is observed in shaped
charge jets. It is shown in the present paper that, at very high strain ra
tes, very large stable strains can be achieved either through certain defor
mation models (this is uncommon) or, more generally, through the effects of
inertia on stability. A quantitative theory is developed which shows the i
mportant role of both radial and axial inertia. These inertial effects are
intimately linked to the deformation model in such a way that, for any pert
urbation or other effect to initiate instability, a complex set of conditio
ns involving the axial and radial inertia and the deformation model must be
satisfied. These define the geometrical, inertial and material characteris
tics required for large stable extensions.