Voltage-gated ion channels in neuronal membranes fluctuate randomly between
different conformational states due to thermal agitation. Fluctuations bet
ween conducting and nonconducting states give rise to noisy membrane curren
ts and subthreshold voltage fluctuations and may contribute to variability
in spike timing. Here we study subthreshold voltage fluctuations due to act
ive voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels as predicted by two commonly used kin
etic schemes: the Mainen et al. (1995) (MJHS) kinetic scheme, which has bee
n used to model dendritic channels in cortical neurons, and the classical H
odgkin-Huxley (1952) (HH) kinetic scheme for the squid giant axon. We compu
te the magnitudes, amplitude distributions, and power spectral densities of
the voltage noise in isopotential membrane patches predicted by these kine
tic schemes. For both schemes, noise magnitudes increase rapidly with depol
arization from rest. Noise is larger for smaller patch areas but is smaller
for increased model temperatures. We contrast the results from Monte Carlo
simulations of the stochastic nonlinear kinetic schemes with analytical, c
losed-form expressions derived using passive and quasi-active linear approx
imations to the kinetic schemes. For all subthreshold voltage ranges, the q
uasi-active linearized approximation is accurate within 8% and may thus be
used in large-scale simulations of realistic neuronal geometries.