Purpose: We assessed the prevalence and types of intrahepatic portal venous
variations by helical computed tomography performed with arterial portogra
phy (CTAP).
Methods: In 192 patients without evidence of vascular invasion or distortio
n, CTAP images were reviewed retrospectively to identify portal venous vari
Results: Of the 192 patients examined, 10 (5.2%) had trifurcation, 5 (2.6%)
had a right posterior segmental branch arising from the main portal vein,
5 (2.6%;) had an absence of the horizontal segment of the left portal vein,
and 1 (0.5%) had an absence of the left lateral segmental portal branch. O
f the patients without a horizontal segment, two had a right-sided ligament
um teres associated with malposition of the gallbladder, while another had
complete ramification of intrahepatic portal brunches from an umbilical vei
n-like segment. In the patient missing the left lateral segmental branches,
the right portal vein segments were subcapsularly located.
Conclusion: Variations of the intrahepatic portal veins can be recognized o
n CTAP imaging.