This study investigated the association between occupational pesticide expo
sure and semen quality among Chinese workers. Male workers, 32 who were exp
osed to organophosphate pesticides and 43 who were not exposed were recruit
ed from two nearby factories and interviewed. Following a work shift, semen
and urine samples were collected for pesticide metabolite analysis. Semen
samples were analyzed for sperm concentration, percentage of motility, and
percentage of normal structure. Within the exposed group, the mean end-of-s
hift urinary p-nitrophenol levels were 0.22 and 0.15 mg/L for the high- and
low-exposure subgroups, respectively. Linear regression analysis of indivi
dual semen parameters revealed a significant reduction of sperm concentrati
on 35.9 x 10(6) vs 62.8 X 10(6), p < 0.01) and percentage of motility (47%
vs 57%, p = 0.03) but not percentage of sperm with normal structure (57% vs
61%, p = 0.13). Multivariate modeling showed a significant overall shift i
n the mean semen parameter. Occupational exposure to ethylparathion and met
hamidophos seems to have a moderately adverse effect on semen quality.