The Russian Federation contains approximately 20% of the world's timbe
r resources and more than half of all boreal forests. These forests pl
ay a prominent role in environmental protection and economic developme
nt at global, national, and local levels, as well as, provide commodit
ies for indigenous people and habitat for a variety of plant and anima
l species. The response and feedbacks of Russian boreal forests to pro
jected global climate change are expected to be profound. Large shifts
in the distribution (up to 19% area reduction) and productivity of bo
real forests are implied by scenarios of General Circulation Models (G
CMs), Uncertainty regarding the potential distribution and productivit
y of future boreal forests complicates the development of adaptation s
trategies for forest establishment, management, harvesting and wood pr
ocessing. Although a low potential exists for rapid natural adaptation
of long lived, complex boreal forests, recent analyses suggest Russia
n forest management and utilization strategies should be field tested
to assess their potential to assist boreal forests in adaptation to a
changing global environment. Current understanding of the vulnerabilit
y of Russian forest resources to projected climate change is discussed
and examples of possible adaptation measures for Russian forests are
presented, including: (1) artificial forestation techniques that can b
e applied with the advent of failed natural regeneration and to facili
tate forest migration northward; (2) silvicultural measures that can i
nfluence the species mix to maintain productivity under future climate
s; (3) identifying forests at risk and developing special management a
daptation measures for them; (4) alternative processing and uses of wo
od and non-wood products from future forests; and (5) potential future
infrastructure and transport systems that can be employed as boreal f
orests shift northward into melting permafrost zones. Current infrastr
ucture and technology can be employed to help Russian boreal forests a
dapt to projected global environmental change, however many current fo
rest management practices may have to be modified. Application of this
technical knowledge can help policymakers identify priorities for cli
mate change adaptation.