Background: The cytochrome P450c17 alpha enzyme functions in the steroid bi
osynthesis pathway, and altered endogenous steroid hormone levels have been
reported to be associated with a T to C polymorphism in the 5' promoter re
gion of the CYP17 gene. Because steroid hormone exposure is known to influe
nce breast cancer risk, we conducted a population-based, case control-famil
y study to assess the relationship between the CYP17 promoter polymorphism
and early-onset breast cancer. Methods: Case subjects under 40 years of age
at diagnosis of a first primary breast cancer, population-sampled control
subjects, and the relatives of both case and control subjects were intervie
wed to record family history of breast cancer and other risk factors. CYP17
genotype was determined in 369 case subjects, 284 control subjects, and 91
relatives of case subjects. Genotype distributions were compared by logist
ic regression, and cumulative risk was estimated by a modified segregation
analysis. All statistical tests were two-tailed. Results: Compared with the
TT genotype (i,e,, individuals homozygous for the T allele), the TC genoty
pe was not associated with increased breast cancer risk (P = .7), Compared
with the TT and TC genotypes combined, the CC genotype was associated with
a relative risk of 1.81 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15-2.86; P = .01)
before adjustment for measured risk factors and 1.63 (95% CI = 1.00-2.64;
P = .05) after adjustment. There was an excess of CC genotypes in case subj
ects who had at Least one affected first- or second-degree relative, compar
ed with control subjects unstratified by family history of breast cancer (2
3% versus 11%; P = .006), and these case subjects had a threefold to fourfo
ld higher risk than women of other groups defined by genotype and family hi
story of breast cancer. Analysis of breast cancer in first- and second-degr
ee relatives of case subjects with the CC genotype, excluding two known car
riers of a deleterious mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2, gave a relative hazard i
n women with the CC genotype of 3.48 (95% CI = 1.13-10.74; P = .04), which
is equivalent to a cumulative risk of 16% to age 70 years. Conclusions: The
CC genotype may modify the effect of other familial risk factors for early
-onset breast cancer.