This article gives an overview on some aspects of malacostracan development
at the levels of gene expression, cell division, and shape of embryos and
larvae. The various modes of development found in malacostracans are discus
sed in a phylogenetic and an evolutionary framework. It is suggested that t
he plesiomorphic condition within the Malacostraca is an embryonized egg-na
uplius which is characterised by a yolky egg, precocious development of the
three anteriormost head segments, an antero-ventrally folded caudal papill
a, and a growth zone formed by rings of 19 ecto- and eight mesoteloblasts.
Several alterations of this malacostracan ground pattern occurred concernin
g the arrangement and the number of teloblasts, the shape of the embryo and
the timing of segmentation with respect to the naupliar segments. From the
ir distribution within the phylogenetic tree and from their larval characte
ristics it is concluded that the free-living nauplius larvae of euphausiids
and dendrobranchiate decapods are secondarily evolved from ontogenies with
out a free-living nauplius. Because the nauplius stage is lost in several m
alacostracan taxa, the concept of the nauplius as a phylotypic stage of cru
staceans is refuted. In addition, the nauplius as an example of the recapit
ulation of ancestral characters is discussed.