We present a study of numerical effects in dissipationless cosmological sim
ulations. The numerical effects are evaluated and studied by comparing the
results of a series of 64(3)-particle simulations of varying force resoluti
on and number of time-steps, performed using three of the N-body techniques
currently used for cosmological simulations: the Particle-Mesh (PM), the A
daptive Particle-Particle-Particle-Mesh (AP(3)M) and the newer Adaptive Ref
inement Tree (ART) codes, This study can therefore be interesting both as a
n analysis of numerical effects and as a systematic comparison of different
We find that the AP(3)M and the ART codes produce similar results given tha
t convergence is reached within the code type. We also find that numerical
effects may affect the high-resolution simulations in ways that have not be
en discussed before. In particular, our study revealed the presence of two-
body scattering, the effects of which can be greatly amplified by inaccurac
ies in time integration. This process appears to affect the correlation fun
ction of matter, the mass function, the inner density of dark matter haloes
and other statistics at scales much larger than the force resolution, alth
ough different statistics may be affected in a different fashion. We discus
s the conditions for which strong two-body scattering is possible and discu
ss the choice of the force resolution and integration time-step. Furthermor
e, we discuss recent claims that simulations with force softening smaller t
han the mean interparticle separation are not trustworthy and argue that th
is claim is incorrect in general, and applies only to the phase-sensitive s
tatistics. Our conclusion is that, depending on the choice of mass and forc
e resolution and the integration time-step, a force resolution as small as
0.01 of the mean interparticle separation can be justified.