Thermalization of classical fields is investigated in a phi(4) scalar field
theory in I + 1 dimensions, discretized on a lattice. We numerically integ
rate the classical equations of motion using initial conditions sampled fro
m various nonequilibrium probability distributions. Time-dependent expectat
ion values of observables constructed from the canonical momentum are compa
red with thermal ones. It is found that a closed system, evolving from one
initial condition, thermalizes to high precision in the thermodynamic limit
, in a time-averaged sense. For ensembles consisting of many members with t
he same energy, we find that expectation values become stationary - and equ
al to the thermal values - in the limit of infinitely many members. Initial
ensembles with a nonzero (noncanonical) spread in the energy density or ot
her conserved quantities evolve to noncanonical stationary ensembles. In th
e case of a narrow spread, asymptotic values of primary observables are onl
y mildly affected. In contrast, fluctuations and connected correlation func
tions will differ substantially from the canonical values. This raises doub
ts on the use of a straightforward expansion in terms of 1PI-vertex functio
ns to study thermalization. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reser