The neonatal T-cell system is capable of responding to allergens at birth,
indicating the occurrence of prenatal sensitization, and the cytokine profi
le of these responses is skewed towards the Th-2 type. This response is fur
ther modified by postnatal exposure to different types of allergens. In rel
ation to inhalant allergen (employed by HDM) the low level fetal Th-2 respo
nses in non-atopics appear to be down-regulated rapidly after birth, parall
el to an increase in allergen-specific IFN-gamma production. In contrast, a
topics appear to consolidate their initial Th-2 responses, and around the a
ge of 6 exhibit a cytokine response profile similar to the adult pattern. A
pre-existing deficiency in IFN-gamma production may be one of the key fact
ors determining the postnatal persistence of Th-2 responses in atopics.