This paper seeks to review the progress that is being achieved by fluvial g
eomorphologists in making use of digital photogrammetry for river channel r
esearch. Fluvial geomorphology is first placed in a basic historical contex
t from which the failure to make full use of the potential of photogrammetr
y is noted. A review is then given of the ways in which fluvial geomorpholo
gists are now making use of photogrammetry, recognizing that the developmen
t of digital approaches has both made photogrammetry a more cost-effective
tool and also introduced a range of new research questions. The main object
ive of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of these questions and t
o illustrate some of the ways in which they are being addressed. Special at
tention is given to the issue of data quality, which is frequently (and per
haps conveniently) ignored.