Norin 1, a progenitor of many economically important Japanese rice strains,
is highly sensitive to the damaging effects of UVB radiation (wavelengths
290 to 320 nm). Norin 1 seedlings are deficient in photorepair of cyclobuta
ne pyrimidine dimers. However, the molecular origin of this deficiency was
not known and, because rice photolyase genes have not been cloned and seque
nced, could not be determined by examining photolyase structural genes or u
pstream regulatory elements for mutations. We therefore used a photoflash a
pproach, which showed that the deficiency in photorepair in vivo resulted f
rom a functionally altered photolyase. These results were confirmed by stud
ies with extracts, which showed that the Norin 1 photolyase-dimer complex w
as highly thermolabile relative to the wild-type Sasanishiki photolyase. Th
is deficiency results from a structure/function alteration of photolyase ra
ther than of nonspecific repair, photolytic, or regulatory elements. Thus,
the molecular origin of this plant DNA repair deficiency, resulting from a
spontaneously occurring mutation to UV radiation sensitivity, is defective