The maternal and the "feminine" are not the prerogative of women any more t
han the paternal and the masculine are the monopoly of men. To believe that
would be to give in to the myth of two sexes which are radically unlike on
e another. On the contrary however, the two sexes are not interchangeable.
To believe that could re to give in to the utopic idea of an absolute psych
ic bisexuality with its two versions of a same sex for all or of two sexes
for each person. Adults sometimes have the tendancy to adhere to such myths
or to such utopias. Babies, however, don't make the same mistake. They kno
w how to recognize men and women thanks to the composition, unique to each
person of his or her psychic bisexuality. And the quality of the integratio
n of this psychic bisexuality at the level of each adult, at the level of t
he teams of health professionals and at the level of the treatments and tre
atment frameworks offered have an intense impact on our actions and our int
erventions concerning our children.