Objective: To explore resources used by women completing treatment for brea
st cancer, how they learned about them, and the psychological factors that
predicted their use.
Designs A questionnaire on resource use was administered as part of a rando
mized clinical trial which assessed subjects' psychosocial characteristics
and tested the outcomes of a psychosocial intervention.
Setting: Women completing treatment for breast cancer were recruited from t
he oncology departments of three university-teaching hospitals in Montreal.
A questionnaire gathered data on the resources used by the subjects, how t
hey learned about them, and the role of the health care team in their decis
ion-making. Emotional distress, dimensions of coping effort, a sense of con
trol and optimism were also measured.
Results: Five categories of resources were explored; professional services,
informal support networks, informational resources, support organizations
and complementary therapies. Most women found out about the last two resour
ces by themselves. Women who used cancer support organizations or complemen
tary therapies scored high on the use of problem-solving coping and low on
the use of escape/avoidance coping. In addition they were moderately optimi
stic, had a slightly lower sense of personal control and were somewhat more
distressed than the non-users. The use of support organizations and comple
mentary therapies appears to represent a thoughtful approach to dealing wit
h the distress of cancer. The opinion of the oncologist regarding resource
use was valued by nearly half of the sample. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd.